We look forward to welcoming back both past and present youths to our Outreach Community.
The pandemic has changed the way we do things but it has not changed what we do. Safety precautions have been established for staff and participants. Let's get back to helping, learning and fun!
The LORD GOD graced us with beautiful weather for our 20th Annual Fishing Rodeo!!!
See slide below for pics. The kids had a wonderful time, so did the parents and visiting adults.Congratulations to all the Trophy winners! Hope to see everyone next yewar!
Mrs. Eunicestein Johnson (CEO of Urban Initiative) and her spouse pause the Rodeo set up to pose for a picture.
Bloomfield's Overseer,
Pastor Maurice D. Fuller enjoys a photo with Valero Volunteers and Employees. Shoutout to Valero a major Fishing Rodeo Sponsor!
Shoutout and heartfelt thanks to our Fishing Rodeo Sponsors:
Bass Pro Shops!
Thunder City Fireworks!
and last but certainly not least ....The Bloomfield Baptist Church Family!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Because of all you this was another successful Fishing Rodeo!
Copyright © 2024 Bloomfield Urban Initiative, Inc. - All Rights Reserved.